Breast Feeding Issues
Tongue & Lip Ties
Breast Feeding involves complex systems in the body that coherently work together to establish successful feeding. The suck-swallow-breathe reflex is a multi-dynamic system of several organs functioning together simultaneously. Our cranium, jaws, throat, neck, torso, spine, sacrum and hips are all connected to one another by fascial tissue meridians that support the alignment and functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Injuries or restrictions on any of these structures can impact the physiology of breast feeding.
In recent years tongue and lip ties have come into the foreground of therapeutic evaluation as they play an important role in the smooth unrestricted movement of the fascia meridians throughout the body while also easily impacted by compression patterns in different structures. Physical therapies like BCST offer non-invasive, safe ways to support these restrictions and restore mobility.
Every tongue / lip tie does not impact breast feeding and every tongue / lip tie does not need a release.
BCST offers gentle release to fascia meridians in different parts of the body all the way from the feet via the intraosseous membranes in the legs, into the spine, via the dural membranes to the neck, cranium and shoulders; the throat and its hyoid bone, the jaws and upper palette, the clavicles and sternum, the pelvic and respiratory diaphragms, and the sacrum and hips. This completes the circle of connections in our body.
Sometimes the oral restrictions may not impact breastfeeding but may cause other developmental or self-regulatory issues. A BCST practitioner can precisely diagnose the anatomical trails of these restrictions and work with core structures.
BSCT is complimentary to many mainstream therapies and collaborates well with other medical applications and modalities like lactation consultants, dentistry, physiotherapy, myofunctional therapy, homeopathy, allopathy, doulas & midwives, birth & paediatric practitioners.